The Purity of Christian Youth is a Tool of the Gospel Against the Dogmas of Secular Humanism

As Max approached Pastor Porter, the pastor could see the distraught look on his young face. With compassion in his voice Pastor Porter asked, "How can I be of assistance to you, young man?"

Porter Power

With immense emotion Max began to unwind a story of emotional abuse which is all too common among young men who are dedicated to the obedience of Christ Jesus the Lord. He unfolded in detail how his co-workers were talking behind his back, accusing him of being "gay."

Porter Power

Fortunately, and unfortunately, Pastor Porter had heard this same story dozens of times in the 14 years that he had been a pastor. It was fortunate that he was prepared to help Max through this trial. It is unfortunate that so many young Christian men had to suffer at the hands of a generation of youth who had not a wit of understanding of the concept of purity.

Pastor began to explain how the media, social and civil institutions and even the families of America were conspiring to undermine the Biblical concept of purity. He explained that this was not a conscious attempt to trouble young men like himself, who had committed to obey Christ by remaining pure. "This is the logical outworking of the sexual revolution of the 1960s," explained Pastor Porter. "The youth of that era, in a concerted effort to rebel against all established authority, effectively demolished all standards of decency that were the fabric of a Christian culture. In doing so they replaced Biblical standards with the destructive standards of Secular Humanism. Purity is a foreign notion in the Secular Humanist mindset.

"Government Schools, social institutions, media, and even parents constantly reinforce the idea that no young person can avoid giving in to the temptation to indulge their sexual desires. To the point that many parents provide birth control to their children so they can avoid the consequences of sex (a baby). Therefore, when these young people cross paths with someone, like yourself, who has been faithful to a commitment to purity, they can't understand it. The only explanation that fits their mindset is that you must be homosexual."

"Rather than dismay over the actions of your co-workers, you can be thankful that you have been chosen for a greater calling, a calling to purity, by your savior Jesus Christ. You will find that this trial can be used for the glory of His kingdom."

"Allow me to pray that God's Holy Spirit will give you strength and wisdom to address the Christian view of purity with your friends. I have found that in so doing your friends will be intrigued. You will also find that many will respect you for your ability to rise above the prevalent attitude of the day, and some may even be attracted to the Christ that provides the power to maintain your purity."
Pastor Porter prayed, and Max left his office with a deeper appreciation for the work of God in his life, and a renewed commitment to reach his co-workers with the good news of His power to save from the destructive mindsets of Secular Humanism.

The Purity of Christian Youth is a Tool of the Gospel Against the Dogmas of Secular Humanism
Porter Power

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